This document outlines the process that should be followed by Learners, Candidates or Delegates, tutors, assessors, partners or employers who are involved with training and/or qualifications offered by ASQ Construction Services Limited.

All appeals and complaints should be made in writing to ASQ Construction Services Limited (ASQ), Suite 6, City View House, 1 Dorset Place, Stratford, London, E15 1BZ. ASQ Construction Services Limited will also give the opportunity for appeals or complaints to be made in person if required.

The appeals process is not a method of circumventing or setting aside the professional judgement of assessors on the performance of Learners, Candidates or Delegates; it is a way of ensuring that as far as possible all relevant circumstances affecting a student’s performance are brought to light and taken into account BEFORE a final decision is taken. Consequently, if an appeal is successful, the decision reached will normally be in accordance with the regulations set out by the awarding organisation.

Learners, Candidates or Delegates could complain to the centre about the following areas:

  • Information, Advice and Guidance provided by ASQ or its representative(s)
  • Access to assessment
  • Process of assessment
  • Access to internal verification
  • The handling of an appeal
  • Administrative issues, e.g. failure to register/apply for certification.

A Learner, Candidate or Delegate seeking arbitration in the case of a dispute with an Assessor over, for example, the authenticity of evidence, the sufficiency of evidence for the achievement of an element, or the validity of a particular piece of evidence, should in the first instance appeal to ASQ’s Internal Quality Assurer or IQA.

If the Learner, Candidate or Delegate wishes to take the Appeal beyond ASQ staff, appeal should be made in writing to the External Quality Assurer or EQA allocated to ASQ at the time of the next EQA visit.

If ASQ staff should for any reason deny the Learner, Candidate or Delegate access to the External Quality Assurer or EQA, the Learner, Candidate or Delegate may pass his / her written case to the External Quality Assurer or EQA from the Awarding Organisation. No fee would be charged at this stage and the case would be arbitrated by the Awarding Organisation from thence on, following the Awarding Body’s complaint procedure.

Should the Learner, Candidate or Delegate’s appeal be upheld, any fees paid by Learner, Candidate or Delegate for the appeal will be refunded by ASQ.

Assessors could complain to the centre about the following areas:

  • Access to support and guidance
  • Access to internal verification
  • Administrative issues
  • Insufficient time to undertake the function.

Employers could complain to the centre about the following areas:

  • Information, Advice and Guidance provided by ASQ
  • Access to assessment
  • Administrative issues
  • Assessment issues

Where an appeal/complaint is to be made, this should be lodged with the Centre Coordinator.

The Centre Coordinator will:

  • Attempt to find a solution with the Learner, Candidate or Delegate, assessor and/or internal verifier, for example through another assessment or re-consideration of the evidence/work

Where this does not resolve the situation, the Centre Coordinator will:

  • Set a date for the appeal/complaint to be considered by an appeals panel
  • Notify the EQA that an appeal/complaint has been lodged and give details of how it will be heard, including the composition of the appeals panel

The appeals panel will meet to consider the appeal within 15 working days of the Centre Coordinator receiving the appeal.

  • The appeals panel will be constituted so as to be objective and independent
  • The panel will ensure that it has full accounts from all parties involved in the assessment
  • No one involved in the original assessment will be on the panel

Appeals can also be made directly to the awarding organisation

ProQual Awarding Body
  ProQual House
  Westbridge Court
  Annie Med Lane
  South Cave
  HU15 2HG
  Telephone: 01430 423822

Construction Industry Training Board
  Sand Martin House
  Bittern Way
  PE2 8TY
  Telephone: 0344 994 4122

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