We understand things may not, sometimes, work out as we expected and it may be necessary to consider the cancellation of a booked course, training or assessment. Under UK law, you may have the right to cancel or request a refund under certain circumstances, in accordance with this policy.

If you wish to cancel a course booking, you must notify us in writing.

Course cancellations are subject to fees depending on the number of days before the commencement of the training that the cancellation was requested. If cancellation was requested

  • More than 20 working days before the commencement of the training – course fees deduction of 25% will be made and the rest will be refunded fully to the candidate.
  • Between 11 and 20 working days before the commencement of the training – course fees deduction of 50% will be made and the rest will be refunded fully to the candidate.
  • 10 or fewer working days before the commencement of the training – Full course fees will be deducted and candidate will not be eligible to a refund.

Please note that if you book a course and you sit the course, either partly or wholly, or you miss the training class on the proposed date, you will not be entitled to a refund.


Certificates will be held until full payment is received. We reserve the right to charge late payment interest at 8% above the Bank of England base rate under the Late Payment of Commercial Debt (Interest) Act 1998.

Also, in accordance with our condition of service, uncollected certificates may be

  1. subjected to a handling and safe keeping fee after the first month of receiving it and/or notifying the candidate of its arrival or
  2. disposed of after the third month of receiving it and/or notifying the candidate of its arrival.

Candidate’s enrolment onto a qualification starts with payments (either partial of full) being made and a registration form submission. The enrolment process involved the immediate registration of candidate onto the qualification with the awarding body, setting up the candidate’s e-portfolio, allocation of an assessor, candidate’s induction etc. most of which incurs a considerable cost, requires the use of organisational resources, manpower and acquired skills and cannot be undone.

For these reasons:

  1. There is strictly no refund for any candidate on a payment plan after the candidate enrolment had been done
  2. For candidates who made full payments, Guided Learning Hour consideration will be applied.

Guided Learning Hours (GLH) consideration

NVQ portfolios have a limited time for the learner to complete the NVQ. Time limits are determined by a careful and fair consideration of the GLH recommended by Ofqual and the relevant qualification awarding organisation for the successful completion of the qualification.

Recommended GHL for relevant qualification unit can be found in the qualification specifications of the relevant qualification.

Qualification time limits

ASQ determines qualification time limits (in months) by:

  1. Summing up the individual GLH for each unit of the qualification
  2. Dividing the total GHL by 80 – based on candidate studying for qualification 4 hours in a day, 5 days in a week and 4 weeks in a month – gives the number of months the candidate is expected to complete the qualification.
  3. An additional 75% extra time is allowed and added to the number of months – as a safety factor – to arrive at a fair qualification time limit.

If qualification time limit is exceeded, we may charge an extension fee for the learner to continue their NVQ.

Replacements, updates and upgrades

Candidates may be replaced, updated or upgraded ONLY if the assessment is still within the first quarter of its time limit and the past learner has not submitted any assessments. This will be subjected to a new registration fee and an administration fee charge, which varies with each qualification and the level of input into the original qualification.

This will be handled on a case-by-case basis.


Certificates will be held until full payment is received. We reserve the right to charge late payment interest at 8% above the Bank of England base rate under the Late Payment of Commercial Debt (Interest) Act 1998.

Also, in accordance with our condition of service, uncollected certificates may be

  1. subjected to a handling and safe keeping fee after the first month of receiving it and/or notifying the candidate of its arrival or
  2. disposed of after the third month of receiving it and/or notifying the candidate of its arrival.

Under this policy, for courses or trainings purchased through third party/advertisement agencies (i.e., we offer a 14-day money back guarantee and a refund will be issued if:

  • you have requested it within the 14-day cooling off period
  • you have not completed (or attempted to complete) the course(s) and any
  • you have not received a Certificate of Achievement or Statement of Participation (whether digital or physical) on the course.

The 14-day cooling off period begins from the day you made the purchase. Any unspent part of this cooling off period becomes invalid 14 days before the start of the course.

For online courses, once your access to the paid course run has been removed, you will not be able to access any part of the course, take part in any tests, or receive a digital or printed certificate for the course run.

For classroom courses, please note that if you book a course and you sit the course, either partly or wholly, or you miss the training class on the proposed date, you will not be entitled to a refund.

In case you decide to cancel your purchase of a course, you are required to fill out a Cancellation Form provided by the third-party agency and send it

  1. by post to:
    ASQ Administration Department,
    Suite 6, City View House,
    1 Dorset Close, Stratford,
    London E15 1BZ, UK
  2. by email to

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